Quick Stops

We find plenty of quick stops out on our adventures, and they generally fall into two categories - the first, and most obvious, is a literal quick stop where you can take in everything at a particular location in under about half an hour. The second is any location that is convenient to access, typically along a major road or a stone's throw from one. These places become perfect fillers for grander adventures, you can squeeze them in between other stops and still get a great deal of enjoyment out of it...

Post Banner - Porthmadog - Cob Crwn loop

Post Banner - Santa Chiara Monastery and Museum

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Post Banner - Beddgelert Grave Loop - an easy going walk in a beautiful town

Post Banner - Llyn y Dywarchen - an idyllic lake in the mountains


Post Banner - Coedydd Maentwrog's woodland and lake loops - Tafarntrip Covert, & Coed Llyn Mair, Coed Hafod-y-Llyn and Plas Tan y Bwlch Gardens

Post Banner - Plas Brondanw - gardens with some great surprises

Post Banner - Talyllyn Railway - A steam train adventure through south Eryri (Snowdonia)

Post Banner - Nottingham Castle - Fortification, beautiful mansion, an ancient pub and Robin Hood

Post Banner - Jurassic Creek Adventure Golf

Post Banner - Dyffryn Ardudwy Burial Chamber